Skano Fibreboard OÜ has changed its business name to Nordic Fibreboard Ltd OÜ.

The company registration number (12503545) in the Estonian Business Registry and VAT registration number (EE101652014) as well as bank account numbers will stay exactly the same, so the name change should have minimal impact on any international business and/or customs transactions.

The reason for the change is Skano’s recent decision to divest from furniture manufacturing business in last September. The brand name “Skano“, has been originating from this retail oriented business and could not be left without. Our fibreboard/softboard manufacturing is B2B oriented and we believe that our new name “Nordic Fibreboard” reflects the nature of that business even more closely. Especially stressing that our key raw material woodchip, is sourced from virgin woodfibres from spruce and pine, growing in an environmentally responsible manner in our suitable tempered climate in northern part of Europe.

With customers in 40 countries, and sales growth this year due to the expanding number of applications for which our fibreboards can be applied, we are strong believers in our fibreboard’s competitive edge and future growth potential.

We remain dedicated to continue to serve you with the highest quality product, efficient logistics, and the most efficient and professional customer service. Thank you for your continuous support.