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Additional Information Regarding the New Share Issue

AS Viisnurk will arrange a public share issue from 21 August 2001 until 10 September 2001 (the subscription period) to acquire new capital to finance the expansion of its operations and potential takeovers in wood processing sector. Viisnurk will issue 850 000 common shares at EEK 44.00 per share. The share issue was registered in the Securities Inspectorate on 10 August 2001.

The shares of Viisnurk may be subscribed by existing and new shareholders. The existing shareholders of Viisnurk have pre-emptive rights to subscribe for the shares. The list of shareholders entitled to receive the pre-emptive rights will be fixed on 16 August 2001 at 08.00 a.m. Each of the existing shareholders shall be granted a proportional share of the public share issue (0.1889 or 850 000/4 499 061 shares per each existing share). From 21 August 2001 to 5 September 2001 the subscription rights  are freely traded on Tallinn Stock Exchange. In order to subscribe for new shares an investor does not have to be a current shareholder of Viisnurk and does not have to purchase the subscription rights.

The subscription for the shares and the monetary payment for the shares are made simultaneously. A precondition for the subscription is that the subscriber has a securities account in the Estonian Central Depository for Securities (EVK). The subscription period will last from 21 August 2001 to 10 September 2001. The end of the subscription period is 10 September 2001 at 17.00 p.m. The shares can be subscribed through the members of Estonian Central Depository for Securities (EVK) as listed below:

Hansapank                 – Liivalaia 8, Tallinn
Eesti Ühispank –               Tornimäe 2, Tallinn
Sampo Pank –  Narva mnt 11, Tallinn
Krediidipank – Narva mnt 4, Tallinn
Tallinna Äripank                 – Estonia pst 3/5, Tallinn
Preatoni Pank – Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn
Lõhmus Haavel Viisemann             –  Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn

For subscription, fulfilment of the following documents is necessary:

1) Subscription application that contains the subscribers name, his/her account number in the Estonian Central Depository for Securities (EVK), the number of shares to be subscribed and a reference to the payment document/receipt

2) Order of payment, which is filled in for a special transfer to the account of Estonian Central Depository for Securities (EVK), in the Bank of Estonia as follows:

– 301 000 34496 is the EVK account number in the Bank of Estonia;
– In the field named “Recipient bank” (Saaja pank), there should be written: “EVK”;
– In the field named “Reference” (Viitenumber), there should be written the
number of investor’s securities account in Estonian Central Depository for Securities;
– In the field named “Clarification” (Selgitus), there should be written subscription for Viisnurk’s shares.

PS!  The fulfilment of the reference number (Viitenumber) on the payment order is obligatory. Should the payment order not contain the reference number or should the reference number be written in the field “Clarification” (Selgitus), the subscription payments will be returned.

Other details of the public share issue are written in in the Offering Circular, which may be retrieved from:

AS Trigon Capital
Pärnu mnt 15, Tallinn
Telephone: +372 6679200
Internet: www.trigoncapital.com

AS Viisnurk
Suur-Jõe 48, Pärnu
Telephone: +372 44 78323

The Offering Circular can be ordered also as a paperback copy and electronic file (*.pdf) by telephone +372 6679208 or by e-mail: k.kivinurm@trigoncapital.com.

Viisnurk’s management will give a presentation of its share issue on Tuesday, 14.08.2001, at 15.00 in the Scandic Hotel Palace, Tallinn (6th floor conference facilities). All market participants, analysts as well as current and future shareholders of Viisnurk are welcome to the presentation.

Further information from

Kristel Kivinurm
Trigon Markets
Telephone +372 6679208
E-mail: k.kivinurm@trigoncapital.com

Meelis Kukk
Managing Director
AS Viisnurk
Telephone +372 44 78323 or +372 50 16406

Andrus Aljas
+372 44 78355