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Consolidated Audited Balance Sheet as of 31.12.2000

In kroons
                                                         2000           1999

Cash and bank                                 4 908 087      2 946 322
Shares and other securities                            0         261 300
Customer receivables                       51 229 471    34 906 046
Other receivables                                377 779           81 366
Prepaid expenses                            18 331 277      5 482 882
Inventories                                     58 681 669     8 582 993
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS               133 528 283    92 260 909

Long-term financial investments             606 040         605 440
Tangible assets                              197 120 410    85 912 441
Intangible assets                                  623 151        992 670
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS        198 349 601    87 510 551

TOTAL ASSETS                            331 877 884   179 771 460

Debt obligations                                9 928 861      6 565 409
Customer prepayments                        110 869          453 131
Supplier payables                             41 277 690     22 417 164
Taxes payable                                   6 574 296       4 248 070
Accrued expenses                            10 250 224      7 784 024
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES            68 141 940     41 467 798

Long-term liabilities                         120 442 660      26 638 474
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES   120 442 660     26 638 474

Share capital at par value                   44 990 610     44 990 610
Share premium                                11 331 780      11 331 780
Mandatory capital reserve                    2 833 860       1 513 860
Retained earnings                             52 508 938     27 617 063
Net profit for the financial year           31 628 096     26 211 875
TOTAL EQUITY                             143 293 284    111 665 188

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY    331 877 884    179 771 460

Andrus Aljas
+37244 78355