In kroons
2000 1999
NET SALES 309 082 948 212 570 076
Cost of goods sold 243 301 665 166 466 466
Gross profit 65 781 283 46 103 610
Marketing expenses 17 170 690 13 052 422
General admin. expenses 12 440 960 11 349 872
Other income 1 704 068 536 620
Other expenses 3 677 042 2 451 377
Profit from operations 34 196 659 19 786 559
Financial income 670 669 6 496 493
Financial expenses 3 239 232 3 064 677
Profit from ordin. activities 31 628 096 23 218 375
Deferred income tax expense 0 2 859 137
NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 31 628 096 26 077 512
Minority interest 0 134 363
GROUP’S NET PROFIT 31 628 096 26 211 875
Basic earnings per share 7,03 5,83
Andrus Aljas
+37244 78355