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Decisions of the Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting of the shareholders of AS Viisnurk took place on 13 April 2002 in the Tervis Health Rehabilitation Centre in Pärnu, Estonia 19 shareholders/representatives with 2,824,688 votes attended the meeting, representing 62.8% of the total number of votes.

The agenda of the meeting and resolutions:
– Approval of the Annual Report for 2001
It was decided to approve the Annual Report of AS Viisnurk for 2001, which exposes the profit of 19,383,385 kroons and balance sheet value of 357,519,501 kroons at 31.12.2001.

– Distribution of profit for 2001
It was decided that the profits be retained. The retained earnings of AS Viisnurk amount to 101,855,218 kroons after approval of distribution of profit.

– Electing an auditor
Appoint AS KPMG Estonia (registry code: 10096082, address: Ahtri 10 A, 10151 Tallinn, entered in the list of auditors on 11.07.2000, No. 17) as an auditor. Public accounting services will be paid for in accordance with the contract to be drawn up with the auditor. The term of authority of the auditor will be five years.

Andrus Aljas
+37244 78355