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Division of Viisnurk: the date of fixing the list ofshareholders entitled to the shares of the new company

Extraordinary Shareholders’ meeting of AS Viisnurk held on 06.08.2007 decided that the list of persons entitled to the shares of new Viisnurk established in the course of division will be fixed on the date determined by the management board to be publicly announced 10 trading days in advance.

The management board of AS Viisnurk decided that the list of the persons entitled to the shares of new Viisnurk will be fixed on 18.09.2007 at 23:59. The shareholders of AS Viisnurk will be the shareholders of new Viisnurk with the exchange ratio 1:1. The shares of new Viisnurk will be transferred to the securities accounts of the shareholders after the division is entered into the commercial register, which is currently expected to take place on 19.09.2007. The management of the company has carried out all possible preparatory steps from its side to ensure that trading with the new shares can start on the Tallinn Stock Exchange main list on 24.09.2007. In case there will be any changes in the aforementioned time-schedule such changes will be announced through separate stock exchange releases.

Einar Pähkel