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Income Statement 01.01.-31.03.2001

In thousands of kroons             1st Q 2001   1st Q 2000

NET SALES                                66 138        59 061
Cost of goods sold                    (50 117)     (44 680)

Gross profit                                16 021       14 381

Marketing expenses                    (4 594)      (4 572)
General admin. Expenses             (2 707)      (3 210)
Other income                                 935           176
Other expenses                            (274)        (273)

Profit from operations                   9 381        6 502

Financial income                               28           190
Financial expenses                        (842)         (750)

Profit from ordinary activities          8 567        5 942

Income tax                                       0              0

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD       8 567        5 942

Earnings per share                         1,90          1,32

Andrus Aljas
+372 44 78355