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Information released by AS Viisnurk

Pursuant from §135 section 4 of the Securities Market Act of Estonia we hereby inform that AS Eesti Ehitus has released the following company announcements through the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange information system during 2007:
15.01.2009      Application of part-time working time
29.01.2009      Application of part-time working time
27.02.2009      Viisnurk financial result, Q4 2008
14.04.2009      Application of part-time working time
13.05.2009      The Annual General Meeting
22.05.2009      Viisnurk financial result, 3 months of 2009
28.05.2009      Changes in the Management Board of AS Viisnurk
05.06.2009      The Decisions of Annual General Meeting
26.06.2009      Usage of part-time working
14.08.2009      AS Viisnurk financial result, 6 months of 2009
10.11.2009      Viisnurk: Changes in the shareholder structure of the majority shareholder
27.11.2009      Viisnurk financial result, 9 months of 2009
Up to this date AS Eesti Ehitus has released the following company announcements through the NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange information system during 2008:
26.02.2010      Viisnurk financial result, 12 months of 2009
27.04.2010      Audited Annual Report 2009
All of the mentioned announcements can be read via NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange web page by selecting from the search engine the respective start and finishing dates
and also via AS Viisnurk web page by selecting the respective year
In addition AS Viisnurk has made available via NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Stock Exchange web page its annual report of 2007 and the interim reports of 2007 and 2008. Reports can be accessed from the following URL:
Einar Pähkel
+372 447 8331