The annual general meeting of the shareholders of Viisnurk AS was held at 11 o’clock on 19 June 2004 at the Strand Hotel in Pärnu, Estonia. 13 shareholders/representatives with 2,761,234 votes attended the meeting, representing 61.4% of the total number of votes.
The agenda of the meeting and resolutions:
– Approval of the Annual Report for 2003
It was resolved to approve the Annual Report of Viisnurk AS for 2003, which exposes the loss of 68,839,541 kroons and balance sheet value of 280,995,529 kroons at 31.12.2003 as a financial result of the year 2003.
– Distribution of profit
It was decided that the profits be retained.
Andrus Aljas
+372 447 8355