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SKN: Changes in the Management Board of Skano Group AS

Skano Group Company Announcement 12.12.2013

Changes in the Management Board of Skano Group AS

Pärnu, 2013-12-12 16:44 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)

Hereby Skano Group informs that the Chairman of the Management Board  Mr Andres Kvistik has given his resignation notice today at Supervisory Board meeting.

Andres Kivistik has been working as the Chairman of the Management Board in Skano Group over 6 and half years. He managed the company well during economical crisis and has helped to increase its market share and turnover (the turnover of the 3rd quarter in 2013 exceeded 5m€ for the first time during history of Skano). At the same time his business interests have grown in his companies which demands more his time and devotion, therefore he is not able to continue leading full time Skano Group as the Chairman of the Management Board.

The Supervisory Board accepted Andres Kivistik’s resigning request as the Chairman of the Management Board of Skano Group AS (including all subsidiaries). Mr. Andres Kivistik’s co-operation with Skano Group AS will continue until 31st of December 2013.

The Supervisory Board decided to appoint for the new Chairman of the Management Board Mr Martin Kalle who currently is member of the Management Board and CFO. Martin Kalle joined Skano Group in the beginning of 2013 and has worked earlier as the Management Board Member in Magnum AS, Ehitus Servis AS (Bauhof) and PriceWaterHouseCoopers AS. Martin has done his bachelor degree in economics in Estonian Business School. Martin Kalle holds 4331 shares of Skano Group AS.

Martin Kalle