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SKN: Extraordinary General Meeting

Pärnu, 2013-07-12 09:01 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Notice to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting of Skano Group AS

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Skano Group AS (registry code: 11421437, address: Suur-Jõe 48, Pärnu 80042, hereinafter the Company) will be held on the 13th of August 2013 at 11.00 am at the office of Skano Group AS at Suur-Jõe 48, Pärnu.

The agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting with the proposals of the Supervisory Board:

1. Transfer of the non-monetary contribution to the subsidiaries Skano Furniture Factory OÜ and Skano Fibreboard OÜ

Due to the restructuring of Skano Group AS and the transfer of operations to the subsidiaries, approve the increase of the share capital of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ and Skano Fibreboard OÜ by a non-monetary contribution.

Proposal of the Supervisory Board: Approve the passage of resolution made by the sole shareholder of Skano Fibreboard OÜ (Skano Group AS) under which the sole shareholder decided to increase the share capital of Skano Fibreboard OÜ
by EUR 20,000. In addition, approve the increase of the share capital of Skano Fibreboard OÜ by a non-monetary contribution. The object of the non-monetary  contribution is the set of assets of the fibreboard production unit. The non-monetary contribution shall be finalised 01.09.2013 by the latest.

Approve the passage of resolution made by the sole shareholder of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ (Skano Group AS) under which the sole shareholder decided to increase the share capital of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ by EUR 20,000. In
addition, approve the increase of the share capital of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ by a non-monetary contribution. The object of the non-monetary contribution is the set of assets of the furniture production unit. The non-monetary contribution shall be finalised 01.09.2013 by the latest.

There are no business activities in Skano Furniture Factory OÜ and Skano Fibreboard OÜ. After the registration of the share capital increase, Skano Group AS will remain the sole shareholder of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ and Skano Fibreboard OÜ.

Information on the procedure for exercising the rights specified in the Commercial Code § 287, § 293 (2) and (21) and § 293’1 (4) is published on the website of the Company www.skano.com.

As of the date of publishing of the announcement, the share capital of Skano Group AS is 2 699 436.60 euros. The company has 4 499 061 shares and each share gives one vote.

The date of closing the list of shareholders entitled to vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting will be August 6, 2013 at 23:59.

Registration of the participants in the meeting will begin at 10:45

To register yourself as a participant in the general meeting, please present:

a shareholder who is a sole proprietor – an identity document

a representative of a shareholder who is a sole proprietor – an identity document and a written authorisation document

a representative of a shareholder who is a legal person – valid certified copy of the registry card (for legal persons in Estonia, certified no earlier than 7 days ago), which entitles the person to represent the shareholder, and an identity document of the representative, or an authorisation document prepared as required and an identity document of the representative. We request prior legalisation or apostille certification of documents of a legal person registered in a foreign country, unless stated otherwise in the international agreement. Skano Group AS may register a shareholder who is a legal person of a foreign country as a participant in the general meeting also in case all required data on the legal person and the representative are included in the
notarised authorisation document issued to the representative in a foreign country and the authorisation document is acceptable in Estonia.

If a shareholder has deposited his/her shares on a nominee account, a respective certificate issued by the account administrator shall be submitted, certifying the right of ownership of the shares as of 6th of August 2013.

Please present your passport or identity card as an identification document.

A shareholder may notify the Company of the appointment of a representative or withdrawal of authorisation by a representative by submitting respective information to the Management Board of Skano Group AS (in a digitally signed
format which can be reproduced in writing on the following e-mail address: martin.kalle@skanogroup.com, or in writing by mail at the following address: Skano Group AS, Suur-Jõe 48, Pärnu, Estonia) no later than on 12.08.2013 (inclusive).

For the appointment of a representative or withdrawal of authorisation by a representative, a shareholder may use the forms available on the website of Skano Group AS www.skano.com

Martin Kalle
+372 447 8331