Product applications

The construction designs, joint solutions, drawings, and work operation descriptions featured in this construction product catalogue are intended to provide general guidance and recommen-dations to assist architects, builders, and contractors. The selection of constructions and solutions suitable for a specific building and its intended use remains the sole responsibility of the architect, designer, or contractor. Nordic Fibreboard accepts no liability for the decisions made by the architect/designer/contractor or for the quality of work carried out by the builder. The end client is responsible for analyzing the suitability of the materials, and neither the manufacturer nor the seller is liable for this. The end client must also ensure proper storage of the materials.

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Raised floor construction with ISOPLAAT

1. Parquet

3. OSB board

4. Vapour barrier

5. Thermal Insulation

6. I-Joist

Concrete floor construction with ISOMODUL

1. Floor boards

3. Floor bearers

4. Vapour barrier

5. Concrete subfloor

Intermediate floor construction with ISOPLAAT and ISOTEX

1. Parquet

2. UNDERLAY 6 mm

3. OSB board

4. I-Joist

5. Thermal insulation

Wooden wall construction with ISOPLAAT and ISOTEX

1. Weatherboard

2. Battens

4. I-Joist

5. Thermal insulation

6.Vapour barrier

Plastered wall construction with ISOPLAAT

1. Finish coat

2. Base coat

3. Plaster mesh

5. I-Joist

6. Thermal insulation

7. Vapour barrier

8. Batterns

10. Base coat

11. Plaster mesh

12. Finish coat

Plastered wall cosntruction with ISOMODUL and ISOTEX

1. Finish coat

2. Base coat

3. Plaster mesh

5. Cross battens

6. Concrete block

7. Vapour barrier

8. Batterns

Tin roofing construction with ISOPLAAT and ISOTEX

1. Roofing

2. Tilling batterns

3. Tilling batterns

5. I-Joist

6. Thermal Insulation

Tile roofing construction with ISOPLAAT and ISOTEX

1. Roofing

2. Tiling battens

3. Counter battens

5. I-Joist

6. Thermal Insulation

7. OSB board

8. Vapour barrier


The min. roof slope angle is 20°, under 20° there should be mounted extra roof sheating membrane.

Flat roofing construction with ISOMODULISOPLAAT and ISOTEX

1. SBS membrane

2. Waterproof OSB board

3. Sarking

4. Roof sheating membrane

5. Counter battens

7. I-Joist

8. Thermal Insulation

10. Vapour barrier

11. Batterns